
Reports, presentations, articles, etc., prepared within the programme of work of the Gas Platform are made available to the public to inform the international community about the Platform activities and outputs.

Archives :

Press release workshop on Mediterranean energy and gas perspectives – Paris – December 2023

Press release workshop on the role of LNG in Euro-Med. gas supply security – Paris – June 2023

Press release conference on the future of energy in the Mediterranean Region – Paris – December 2022

Press release workshop on Mediterranean energy and gas perspectives – Paris – December 2022

Press release side event at the COP27 on the road to a net zero carbon future in the Med. – November 2022

Press release webinar on the role of CCUS – July 2022

Press release webinar on fighting methane emissions – July 2022

Press release bilateral meeting between Montenegro and the Secretariat of the Gas Platform – February 2022

Press release conference on the role of gas in the Med. energy transition – Paris – December 2021

Press release workshop on Mediterranean energy and gas perspectives – Paris – December 2021

Press release workshop on the role of renewable gases – July 2021

UfM Ministerial Declaration on Energy – Lisbon – June 2021

Press release workshop on the use of LNG in maritime transport in the Med. region – November 2020

Press release workshop on small scale LNG applications in the Med. region – June 2020

Press release UfM Gas Platform Conference on the activities of the 2017-2019 period and plans for the next phase – Brussels – December 2019

Press release kick-off meeting two UfM Gas Platform working groups – Paris – June 2019

Leaflet UfM Gas Platform – June 2019

Press release UfM Gas Platform Conference on the role of LNG in the Mediterranean Gas Security – Paris – June 2019

Press release UfM Gas Platform working group meeting on institutional and regulatory framework – Istanbul – April 2019

Press release gas session on future natural gas supply and demand in the Med. – Barcelona – November 2018

Press release kick-off meeting UfM Gas Platform working group on gas hubs – Barcelona – November 2018

Press release kick-off meeting UfM Gas Platform working group on institutional and regulatory framework – Paris – November 2018

Press release workshop on LNG in maritime transport in the Med. region – Milan – October 2018

Press release kick-off meeting UfM Gas Platform working group on gas infrastructure – Paris – July 2018

Press release ENERMED workshop on LNG developments & perspectives – Marrakech – April 2018

Press release Regional workshop on natural gas supply-demand prospects in the Euro-Med. – Algiers – March 2018

Press release Kick-off meetings UfM Gas Platform Working Groups – Paris – September 2017

UfM Ministerial Declaration on Energy – Rome – December 2016


UfM Gas Platform conference on maritime decarbonization scenarios in the Mediterranean.

Annual meeting of the UfM Energy Platforms.


Co-funded by the European Union