Message from the Secretariat of the UfM Gas Platform
Another step in the energy cooperation between the EU and South and East Mediterranean countries was reached in Rome, on 1 December 2016, at the Union for Mediterranean (UfM) Ministerial Meeting on Energy, when the first two-year work programmes of the three UfM Energy Platforms were endorsed.
For several years, EU Energy Ministers, Ministers of Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, and the European Commission stressed on the importance of regional energy cooperation for ensuring secure, affordable and sustainable energy for the region and beyond.
Since 2015, the UfM Gas Platform, the UfM Regional Electricity Market (REM) Platform and the UfM Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) Platform were established with the aim to tackle these most significant energy challenges by reinforcing cooperation in the region.
Launched on 11 June 2015, in Brussels, the objective of the UfM Gas Platform is to enhance the cooperation in the Euro-Med region between all stakeholders of the gas chain, and through a bottom-up approach to improve gas security by identifying barriers or opportunities.
The website of the UfM Gas Platform is one of the concrete outcomes of the will of all main energy actors in the Mediterranean Region to step up regional cooperation on energy.
History of UfM Gas Platform which aim is to enhance the cooperation in the Euro-Med region and tackle energy challenges.
Objectives of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Gas Platform
Discover all the bodies of the UfM Gas Platform
Programme of work
UfM Gas Platform’s priorities and platform activities
Other UFM Platforms
Discover the UfM REM and REEE platforms
For more information please contact us

The European Commission (EC) in its capacity of co-president of the Union for the Mediterranean, chairs the steering committee and all other groups and meetings that are settled and/or convened by the UfM Gas Platform together with the co-presidency of the UfM.
The Organisation Méditerranéenne de l’Energie et du Climat (OMEC, formerly OME), as Secretariat of the UfM Gas Platform, supports the European Commission by providing technical assistance in the operation and the execution of a number of (secretarial) activities of the platform.
All EU Member States, Mediterranean countries, companies and associations that have an interest in the Euro-Mediterranean region can participate in the work of the UfM Gas Platform.

All events and upcoming events of the UfM Gas Platform
Newsletters of UfM Gas Platform focusing on the cooperation and natural gas matters in the Euro-Mediterranean region
All documents prepared within the programme of work of the UfM Gas Platform