
Les rapports, présentations, articles, etc. préparés dans le cadre du programme de travail de la plateforme gaz sont mis à la disposition du public pour informer la communauté internationale des activités et des résultats de la plateforme.

Archives :

Press release workshop on Mediterranean energy and gas perspectives – Paris – December 2023

Press release workshop on the role of LNG in the Euro-Med. gas supply security – Paris – June 2023

Press release conference on the future of energy in the Mediterranean Region – Paris – December 2022

Press release workshop on Mediterranean energy and gas perspectives – Paris – December 2022

Press release side event at the COP27 on the road to a net zero carbon future in the Med. – November 2022

Press release webinar on the role of CCUS – July 2022

Press release webinar on fighting methane emissions – July 2022

Press release bilateral meeting between Montenegro and the Secretariat of the Gas Platform – February 2022

Press release conference on the role of gas in the Med. energy transition – Paris – December 2021

Press release workshop on Mediterranean energy and gas perspectives – Paris – December 2021

Press release workshop on the role of renewable gases – July 2021

UfM Ministerial Declaration on Energy – Lisbon – June 2021

Press release workshop on the use of LNG in maritime transport in the Med. region – November 2020

Press release workshop on small scale LNG applications in the Med. region – June 2020

Press release UfM Gas Platform Conference on the activities of the 2017-2019 period and plans for the next phase – Brussels – December 2019

Press release kick-off meeting two UfM Gas Platform working groups – Paris – June 2019

Leaflet UfM Gas Platform – June 2019

Press release UfM Gas Platform Conference on the role of LNG in the Mediterranean Gas Security – Paris – June 2019

Press release UfM Gas Platform working group meeting on institutional and regulatory framework – Istanbul – April 2019

Press release gas session on future natural gas supply and demand in the Med. – Barcelona – November 2018

Press release kick-off meeting UfM Gas Platform working group on gas hubs – Barcelona – November 2018

Press release kick-off meeting UfM Gas Platform working group on institutional and regulatory framework – Paris – November 2018

Press release workshop on LNG in maritime transport in the Med. region – Milan – October 2018

Press release kick-off meeting UfM Gas Platform working group on gas infrastructure – Paris – July 2018

Press release ENERMED workshop on LNG developments & perspectives – Marrakech – April 2018

Press release Regional workshop on natural gas supply-demand prospects in the Euro-Med. – Algiers – March 2018

Press release Kick-off meetings UfM Gas Platform Working Groups – Paris – September 2017

UfM Ministerial Declaration on Energy – Rome – December 2016


Conférence de la plateforme gaz de l’UpM sur les scénarios de décarbonation du secteur maritime en Méditerranée.
Plus d'infos...

Réunion annuelle des Plateformes sur l’Energie de l’UpM.
Plus d'infos...


Cofinancé par l’Union Européenne